Thursday, August 16, 2012


So, you've probably seen her before here on the blog, but I had a comment from someone on Design*Sponge that said they thought this Native American woman was from a Santa Fe Railroad calendar.  I realized at that point that, despite how I normally am about researching and looking into things, I had never looked up the artist, who's name is on this piece.  It is not an original, it is a print on a board, by the way.  

Anyway, so the artist is Winold Reiss and now I am smitten.  I love many of his works.  He produced artwork from before 1910 into the 1940's and was quite a well-known artist, whom I realized I'd seen his graphic designs for bookcovers in the past.  See below from some other things I find irresistable!    
I just love the colors he uses all over, but also love the details in the portraits.  Something in the lack of expression is amazing to me, because their is no lack of emotion.


I would love for others to share vintage graphic designs that they admire.  Thanks!

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